Chair of Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science (MS)
Chair of Proteomics and Bioanalytics (PB)
Campus Weihenstephan
UM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (WZW)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS@TUM)
Imaging Unit (Imaging@TUM)
Dangerous Materials Registry Information System (DaMaRIS)
Mensa Weihenstephan (Menu)
Postdocs at Weihenstephan (Postdocs_WZW)
Assistant Professorship of Wood Bioprocesses (HFM)
Associate Professorship of Biotechnology of Natural Products (BINA)
Chair in Biotechnology (BIOTECH)
Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry (ALC)
Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology (FISCH)
Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology (LBGT)
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources (WZ-STRAUBING)
Chair of Livestock Biotechnology (BTN)
Chair of Microbiology (MIBIO)
Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine (MEM)
Chair of Nutrition and Immunology (BFLM)
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (OC2)
Chair of Plant Systems Biology (SYSBIOL)
Department for Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine (PRS)
German Research Centre for Food Chemistry (DFA)
Institute of Molecular Immunology and Experimental Oncology (IMI)
Research Department Biosciences (Link)
SFB 924 Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Yield and Yield Stability in Plants (SFB924)
ZIEL Institut for Food and Health (ZIEL)