Jeol JEM-F200

- Emitter: cold-field emission gun
- Energy spread ≤ 0.35 eV
- Accelerating voltage: 80-200 kV
- Information limit TEM: 0.1 nm
- Point resolution TEM: 0.23 nm
- Resolution STEM-HAADF: 0.16 nm
- Large area SDD EDX spectrometer with 100mm2
active area and total solid angle: 1.7 sr
- Gatan Continuum EEL Spectrometer
- Gatan Metro electron counting detector
- Gatan GIF K3 electron counting detector
- Gatan GIF Stela hybrid-pixel electron counting detector
Jeol single-tilt tomography holder (tilt range +/-80°)
Jeol low background double-tilt holder
Gatan Cryo single tilt holder
Fischione Cryo transer tomography holder 2550, operating Temperature below -175°C
low drift rate 1.5 nm/min, tilt range +/-80°
Room: 11 110
Safety instructions for instrument operation and lab (instrument and lab specific!)