MTC3.2 Attosecond science
Key instruments:
High vacuum system comprising pulse compression chamber, high harmonic generation chamber as well as a diagnostic chamber for spectral characterization and optimization via XUV spectrometer; experimental chamber with double-mirror delay assembly for introducing temporal delay between NIR and isolated XUV attosecond pulses and focusing on the sample
Typical applications: ultrafast electron spectroscopy, ultrafast ion spectroscopy, Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
Principal investigator | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kienberger |
PI's field of research | Ultrafast physics |
Contact person | PD Dr. Hristo Iglev |
Tel. | +49 89 289 12862 | | |
Availability | cooperation |
Lead time |

CEP-stable and controllable ultrafast laser system with a repetitions rate of 4kHz and a pulse duration of ~4fs; the spectral width ranges from 450nm to 1200nm and the pulse energy is ~2mJ; the final compressing stage is kept in vacuum, but the beam can be coupled out
Typical applications:
- Laser source for high harmonic generation
- ultrafast spectroscopy
- driving laser of non-linear processes
- ablation experiments
Principal investigator | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kienberger |
PI's field of research | Ultrafast physics |
Contact person | PD Dr. Hristo Iglev |
Tel. | +49 89 289 12862 | | |
Availability | cooperation |
Lead time | three months |

Ultra-high vaccum cluster consisting of a high harmonic gerneration assembly as well as serval assemblies used for condesed matter sample preperation and charaterization; as such are molecular epitaxy of metallic or organic materials, gas deposition, sputtering as well as heating and cooling (LHe or LN2) available for sample preparation.
Typical applications: Attosecond streaking experiments on complex condensed matter system with In situ sample preperation via different epitaxy systems; further sample characterization via XPS (x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and LEED (low energy electron diffraction)
Principal investigator | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kienberger |
PI's field of research | Ultrafast physics |
Contact person | PD Dr. Hristo Iglev |
Tel. | +49 89 289 12862 | | |
Availability | cooperation |
Lead time |