Mößbauer Technology Center
Imaging & Detectors
Key instruments in high-resolution optical and scanning probe microscopy and MicroCT & X-ray phase contrasting imaging as well as laboratories for optical & X-ray scattering and for the development & construction of fast particle detectors. More
Extreme conditions
Key instruments for ultra-low temperature and attosecond-science as well as testing infrastructure under ultra-low field, ultra-low radiation and ultra-low temperature conditions. More
Material Characterization & Preparation
Key instruments to facilitate solid state growth as well as infrastructure for single crystal growth & substrates, atomic level control & nanostructuring and protein expression & characterization. More
General infrastructure: IT & Mechanical Workshop

IT, Mechanical workshop, Electronics and Cryo- and Vaccum technology. More
With the Mößbauer Technology Center, the following key objectives and measures are targeted:
- Bundling of technological infrastructures of the physics department in a professionally organized and staffed TUM Technology Core Facility.
- Sustainable securing of modern technical equipment in the Physics Department to meet complex scientific challenges of TUM in an interdisciplinary way.
- Support tenure-track professorships and young scientists by simply granting access to the physical-technical infrastructure of TUM.
- Ensuring knowledge transfer, operation and access to the MTC infrastructure for users from a wide variety of specialist areas by specialist staff of the Core Facility in order to effectively make a modern equipment infrastructure and technical innovations available to a wide group of users.
- Use of resources to promote scientific collaborations and cutting-edge research with partners at TUM, in Germany and internationally